Microwave RTP of SiC
SiC is an important wide bandgap semiconductor used in high-frequency, high power and high temperature
devices. Annealing of ion-implanted P-type SiC requires very high temperatures and short duration. LTT has performed extensive
research on microwave RTP of SiC at temperatures of 1800-2100C for 15-30 seconds. Some important results and advantages of
microwave RTP of SiC are highlighted below:
The best ever electrical properties and wafer quality from microwave annealed SiC
• Ultra-low sheet resistance -->low power consumption -->high device performance
• Very high carrier mobility, near the theoretical limits --> high performance.
• Very low surface roughness --> improve device reliability --> high yield
• Perfect lattice damage recovery and defects elimination: --> high yield --> low cost
Experimental results of electrical properties and lattice perfection